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7 Problematic Wix & WordPress Vulnerabilities

Building a website is one of the most important steps in creating or strengthening a business's online presence. Two of the most popular platforms available which are often used by website development companies are Wix and WordPress. But there are many similar template options available on the market. Despite over 400 million websites out there built on these platforms, both Wix and WordPress have considerable limitations and disadvantages that can actually hinder success online. 

These inherent complications with content management systems (CMS) can affect user experience, customer experience, data security, the success of digital marketing services and even sales/lead generation. To ensure smooth operations from conception to completion, it's essential that businesses build their websites with a strong foundation using a system on which they can rely and trust. 

Your website will serve as a central hub where customers, employees, and partners can explore your brand. Two of the most popular tools used by website development companies are Wix and WordPress; however, there are many more just like them. 

Here's what you should know about open source CMS platforms like WordPress and Wix as you search for the best web development company for your business. 

Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization is a key digital marketing strategy that funnels online traffic from search engines directly to your website. To generate good results from search engine optimization services in Toronto, your website must be optimized for SEO. Unfortunately, developing an SEO-enabled website is incredibly challenging on WordPress and virtually impossible on Wix. Foundational elements for solid search engine optimization results like sitemaps and URL structure are difficult to control. While WordPress does allow some SEO functionality, it requires additional plugins, which end up backfiring in the long run in many cases. Certain plugins can clash with each other and reduce page load speed, ultimately harming your website health and SEO success. 

Open Source Security 

WordPress and Wix are open-source content management systems so that developers can use third-party plugins to add functionality to the platform. This additional functionality can come at a cost. The open-source code increases vulnerabilities and opportunities for data breaches and security threats. According to research, about 83% of all websites hacked are, in fact, WordPress websites. To protect your business and customers from the dangers of a security or data breach, it's best to build your website with a reputable and skilled website development company. 

Complicated Functionality 

These template-style CMS platforms are used by countless businesses across many industries. To compensate for its diverse user base and to enable flexibility, WordPress is loaded with menus and functionalities that are often considered complicated and difficult to navigate through for newcomers. For those looking to maintain their business website, learning to manage the functionality can quickly become frustrating. Varying on a person-to-person basis, familiarizing yourself with the WordPress backend is often estimated to take weeks or months. In addition to its steep learning curve, WordPress is subject to frequent and unexpected updates, which can almost entirely change the look and functionality of the CMS, leaving even proficient users confused and not so happy. 

Templated Design 

Learning how to design custom websites on WordPress or Wix is no easy feat. To become proficient and some web development teams take years to hone their skills. Because of its barriers to access, many designers and developers encourage businesses to reluctantly opt for templated website designs, limiting functionality and restricting appearance. Among the many drawbacks of one-site-fits-all website design, the most troubling is its inability to make a strong impression. Without a custom website design, it's easy for brands to become forgettable and blend in with competitors (who may be using a similar template). By sourcing a custom web design and development team, you can curate a website that enhances your brand's recognition and reputation. 

Unscheduled Updates

Once your website development team has created the website, ideally, you'll want to be able to modify and make changes to the content, images and layout independently of your web development service, which is technically possible with WordPress but highly complicated. To make matters worse, the backend for WordPress websites is subject to sudden updates, which can rearrange menus and functionalities, leaving users left to relearn the platform again. 

On-Screen Errors

WordPress is infamous for various issues, including RSS errors, connection timeouts, and general syntax errors. Its most notorious error is a seemingly random white screen coined "the white screen of death" -- an error accompanied by no message or indication of what has gone wrong, leaving users and web developers to spend hours troubleshooting or waiting it out. And sometimes, the only solution is to start from scratch!

Page Load Speed 

As previously touched on, the functionality that comes with WordPress is enabled by plugins, i.e. third-party applications. While these plugins enable new functionality, they can significantly slow down the page load speed interrupting the user experience and negatively effective SEO. In 2021, Google introduced a new set of parameters that highlighted the importance of page load speed in the user experience. Websites without fast loading times are inevitably penalized by Google's algorithm, causing them to drop in rankings, reducing exposure and sales opportunities. 

The Benefits of Juicebox & Digital Marketing Toronto

Juicebox is a simple yet powerful content management system that enables smart SEO and powers websites without the need for any plugins. Because Juicebox is not an open-source platform, businesses can be confident that they are running secure websites. Juicebox's website backend functionality is straightforward, enabling easy DIY edits and updates. The platform is designed to enhance digital marketing services rather than hinder them. 

In addition to being easy to use, custom Juicebox websites are scalable and expandable. Our team of web development experts can add any functionality to your website as your business evolves and grows. When you add new functionality or features, you won't have to worry about the limits and roadblocks of WordPress. While problems are rare, you'll get a lifetime warranty when you host your Juicebox website with Xi Digital, granting your businesses fast and free fixes. 

To learn more about building a Juicebox-powered website or application, contact the Xi Digital team today to learn about our web development services. 

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The key to successful marketing online is creativity and strategy. At Xi Digital, we blend both aspects to deliver tailored strategies that work for your business. Make the most of the holidays with digital marketing, from social media to search engine optimization and paid ads. Contact us today to get started!

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